
2024. Benis, Rita and Sérgio Dias Branco (eds.). Explorations in Film and Christianity: Movement as Immobility. London and New York: Routledge.
2022. Branco, Sérgio Dias. “Religion and Film: Representation, Experience, Meaning”, review of Stefanie Knauss’s Religion and Film: Representation, Experience, Meaning. Journal of Religion & Film 26, no. 1. University of Nebraska Omaha. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/jrf/vol26/iss1/56.
2021. Branco, Sérgio Dias. “Together in the Midst of War: Muslim and Christian Coexistence in Lebanese Cinema”. In New Approaches to Islam in Film, ed. Kristian Petersen, 210-221. New York: Routledge.
2015. Branco, Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco, Saeed Zeydabadi-Nejad, and Sérgio Dias Branco (eds.). Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 9, “Islam and Images”. Lisbon: Nova Institute of Philosophy - Nova University of Lisbon. ISSN: 1647-8991. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/
2013. Branco, Sérgio Dias (ed.). Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 4, “Philosophy of Religion”. Lisbon: Nova Institute of Philosophy - Nova University of Lisbon. ISSN: 1647-8991. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/storage/4/4.pdf.


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2024. Branco, Sérgio Dias. “Cinema, Religiões e Diálogo Inter-Religioso” [“Cinema, Religions and Interreligious Dialogue”]. History of Religions. 16 May, Anf. I, FLUC.
2022. Monteiro, João Gouveia e Sérgio Dias Branco. “O Evangelho Segundo São Mateus (1964) e o Cristianismo” [“The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964) and Christianity”]. History of Religions. 18 Mar., Anf. II, FLUC.
2022. Branco, Patrícia Silveirinha Castello. “O Destino (1997) e o Islão” [“Destiny (1997) and Islam”]. History of Religions. 22 Apr., Anf. II, FLUC.


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