Linha do Horizonte: Encontros Entre Comunidades Religiosas à Volta do Cinema
[Horizon Line: Meetings Between Religious Communities Around Cinema]
Description: This outreach program includes public discussions around films between representatives of different religious communities, followed by Q&A, and open seminars. It aims at contributing to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue and the encounter between cultures as inclusive social practices. It uses cinema as a pretext for this dialogue and encounter, promoting mutual interest, diversity and inclusion. Additionally, it assess the possibility of creating and offering specific training on cinema and ecumenical and interreligious dialogue based on the level of participation and the impact of the program.
Coordination: Sérgio Dias Branco.
Partners: Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) and Faculty of Arts and Humanities - University of Coimbra.
Place: University of Coimbra Campus at Figueira da Foz.
2024-2025 [poster]
2024, 30 Nov.: E Agora, Onde Vamos? (Ou Halla La Weyn?, 2011). [text, in portuguese] [photos] [video]
2024, 26 Out.: Reunião (Mass, 2011). [text, in portuguese] [photos] [video]